During most summers, JAC has had the privilege of taking part in the Hurst Show and Country Fayre; offering stalls of various activities including, crafts and pony rides, giving the local community a glimpse into the life of JAC. Such events have been a great opportunity to engage with our local community and raise awareness of our charity. 

This year, however, with the challenging circumstances of social-distancing and COVID-19, the Hurst show was unable to take place in person but prevailed through the social media platform of Facebook! With our host and beloved mentor, Michaela, we were able to safely convey 'JAC' to the general public through a pre-recorded film clip, touring our site and introducing our animals. Followed alongside by an online JAC quiz regarding the facts and information given during the clip. 

As usual, it was a privilege to come alongside the Hurst show, especially to maintain our presence during such unusual, uncertain and 'distanced' times.

If you haven't yet seen our video clip and want to join in on the quiz, then head over to our Facebook page to find out more: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=3033001640128598&id=397891820306273