2018 Coaching Training and Exams This year has been another busy year training for the JAC team, however, it has been the staff members training and taking exams rather than just the students and apprentices. Both Michaela and I have been training in our coaching exams through the BHS (British Horse Society), Michaela taking her BHS Stage 2 Teach exam consisting of coaching a group of riders on the flat progressing to jumping, a lunge lesson, a lead rein lesson, a demonstration lecture (one decided on the day) and business theory. To complete this exam Micky has increased her teaching lessons through JAC including the staff members to give practical experience as well as learning and revising through the theory syllabus with Naomi. On the exam days Micky must go to a BHS approved riding centre and teach students and horses that she has never met before! I took the BHS Stage 4 Ride and Coach exam (equivalent to Level 5 Diploma) to compliment the Stage 4 Care already completed. The Stage 4 Ride consisted of riding 2 horses on the flat, 2 horses jumping (one show jumping and one cross country) and lunging a horse. The Stage 4 Coach consists of coaching a group of riders either on the flat or jumping (decided on the day), individual dressage lesson, individual jump lesson (either show jumping or cross country- decided on the day), lunge lesson, a presentation (9 to prepare, one to deliver- decided on the day), business management theory and equitation theory. This required some external training to have a variety of riders and horses at a higher level and also had to teach at a school with people I have not met. To stay up to date with being a BHS accredited coach, we must complete equestrian specific first aid training, safe guarding, DBS checks and attend yearly CPD (Continual Professional Development) days to make sure our methods and practices are up to standard. We at JAC put energy and time in to keep progressing with our qualifications to give our young people a high standard of lessons. Manage Cookie Preferences