About Us Our Facilities Rehoboth Emotional Wellbeing Centre The Rehoboth Emotional Wellbeing Centre is the main location for our work with young people with hundreds of young people visiting the site every week for mentoring sessions that support them in everything from building confidence and learning social skills to overcoming school phobia and processing trauma. Referrals can be made my anyone and the range of activities and levels of intensity should provide an option that is viable for most young people, there are more details on the following pages. Learn More JAC in a Box Training Hub Our JAC in a Box Training Hub is a place where young people who want to access employment but need support in reaching the required standards, for whatever reason, can learn the skills needed to thrive in the workplace; everything from balancing the books to making the tea. We can offer basic work experience placements or accredited courses to build skills and knowledge. If you would like to learn more about the training hub then explore the dedicated pages. Learn More Rehoboth Stables Our stables form a key part of the mentoring streams we offer as part of the emotional wellbeing centre but also live a life of their own seeing the daily care for our animals and the opportunities for tranformational learning with a number of young people completing NVQs in horse or animal care under the guidance of our 5 Star stable team. There are a few ways to become more involved in the life of the stables outside of our mentoring sessions, if you are looking for a post-16 qualification then we offer certificated courses training in horse care. If that isn't the option for you then you might consider volunteering for us, either in the stables or in other areas that would help support the work of the charity. Apply for post-16 qualification Volunteer for us Rehoboth Shop The Rehoboth Shop is the outworking of everything that comes from Rehoboth, the honey from the bees, the fresh, organic vegetables from our polytunnel, the elderflower from the fields, the glasswork from our kilns, and the recipes from our culinary mentoring. All that is grown and produced on the site is transformed into wonderful products and presented here in our on-site shop or taken out to events in the local area. You can place orders online through our webstore but most products need to be collected from the site in person, we can email or post out sponsorship packs for the animals but haven't managed to fit a jar of honey in an email yet... Shop here Detached Work Detached work is where our story began and it continues today, our team spend time in the community, getting to know young people in their chosen environment and reacting to the needs and interests of their generation. Coming alongside young people with no agenda beyond helping them to make the best of their own decisions. Our detached teams are made of incredible volunteers with a heart for their communities, if you would be interested in taking part in some of this work then please fill out a volunteer form and we will let you know where we have opportunities. Volunteer for us Schools Work Our schools work is a mixture of ongoing relationships where we provide in-school mentoring and our standalone sessions which are perfect for assemblies or PSHE lessons. If you are interested in our team coming to do a curriculum based assembly for your then you can book a visit through our booking website here: Book an assembly JAC & the Beans Talk Our coffee van goes out to events across the country providing refreshment and information about our work helping young people. Converted from a campervan by our mechanics students and a team of incredible volunteers the JAC & the Beans Talk vans go out locally and nationally to bring refreshment and a small glimpse into the work of JAC. The vans can be booked for your events depending on availability, if you'd like to have a conversation about the possiblity then make an enquiry below. Book the coffee van Manage Cookie Preferences