The pottery stream of mentoring allows a young person with an interest in art and crafts to be paired with a mentor who will encourage them to use the clay, and their interaction with it, to express themselves by following one of the various programmes.

Our mentoring programmes explore young people’s identity, traits and characteristics.   The programmes look at the young person’s hopes and dreams, will challenge them to have a go at goal setting, to build upon their confidence and self-esteem.  The young person’s own value of themselves (self-worth) is often related to the ability to establish and maintain friendships so these areas are explored.  Sessions will look at the young person’s natural  communication style and body language.  Specialist programmes on anger, choices and control, stress and a sensory programme have been developed to run along side and continue the basic programme to help the young person work on the areas most relevant to themselves as individuals.  The most recent programme to be rolled out, called “Mental Health and Well Being”, is related to the emotional health of young people and their experiences during the lock down of COVID 19.     

The pottery stream is ideal for those with an enjoyment in the arts and crafts, those that like to make and create, those that are happy to have a go and those that like to have a “hands on” approach to activities. It may also be an area of choice for those young people who have had little experience with animals and may feel more comfortable to make the occasional visit to them, rather than spend all session with them.

The “hands on” nature and approach to the sessions that occurs when the young person uses the clay, creates an opportunity for them to engage with their sensory faculties.  This can be employed by the mentors for those whom it is felt would enjoy and benefit from this additional sensory stimulus at the current age and stage of life.

The aim of these sessions is not necessarily to create a piece of beautiful artwork – it is the internal reflection and external discussion that occurs as the mentor leads the session that will be the mark of success.  That said, there are many times when a high quality piece of work has been produced, especially one which is valued by the young people, that has boosted the young person’s confidence and has allowed them to go onto to make further projects and life decisions of which they can be justly proud.  

Young people are referred to this programme from Social Services, Schools, Local Education Authorities, Pupil Referral Units, Youth Services and Parents. We can work with young people in small groups, if appropriate, but most of our work is 1-1.

How to refer

Click the button below to fill in an online referral form now; or here to download our referral form and return it to [email protected]

Refer a Young Person

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